Second Life Best Practices in Education
If you have been toying with the idea of exploring SecondLife and finding out what all the hub bub is about, now is the time. On May 25 there will be an all day conference on SecondLife Best Practices in Education in Second Life. I really urge you to take the plunge and find out what it is all about. If you have not yet ventured into Second Life I suggest you do so before the event, so you are more comfortable with getting around in world. If you are from my district and would like a little face to face support entering Second Life please contact me. If you are from outside my district and would still like a little help or tour of SL then leave me a comment below and I will get in touch with you.
Note: A friend pointed out I forgot to include my SecondLife name, just an oversight. I am Beth Kohnke in SecondLife.