UDL and Assistive Technology
I have been asked to develop a curriculum for a 40 hour course addressing Universal Design in Learning and Assistive Technology. The course is to address the basic principals of the two concepts, what they are, what they are not and examples of best practices. The participants will primarily be middle school level general and special education teachers. Their curricular area is math. Though we can branch out into other curricular areas and age groups this is where the major emphasis will be located. I am beginning to be gather resources and articles for the participants. I know some of you (Karen) are much more qualified than I. If you know of anything I really should include please leave a comment.
2 thoughts on “UDL and Assistive Technology”
The best starting place is the Cast website itself which I’m sure you are already using. Within the site, focus on TES which includes the entire book, Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age, in digital format as well as a wealth of other resources.
To use this site effectively will take over 40 hours alone!
And please share the Tech Toolkit for UDL from my website!
(Who will you be teaching? Is this for your district? Do you want a guest speaker?) Feel free to skype or email me. My name is my skype user name.
Hi Beth:
As Karen shared the CAST site is wonderful. You may also want to look at WIAT and what they have to offer with regards to handouts and assessment materials. The trick is to make it practical so that the teachers can put the AT and theory into practice. I have found that the workshop with individual or small group coaching is the way to go. If you need a guest speaker I am available on Skype. Good luck!