Networks and NECC

Networks and NECC

I returned from NECC to face a household of guests. It is similar to leaving a movie 1/2 way through and being dropped in the middle of another one. I am a little dazed and confused.

I attended a variety of sessions some great, some not so great. I wish they came with a label such as introduction or advanced. The best part of NECC for me was meeting and talking to people. I meet some of my network face-2-face for the first time, had a chance to reconnect with others I had met at EduCon and the New England tweet up. I added to the list of people I wish to learn with and from. One of the recurring themes of the many discussions I had at NECC was regarding the network itself. I am sure there are studies and books on how networks grow and work. I have not read any. I do plan to change that soon. But I can speak from my experience.

In the morning quiet I have begun to reflect and share my experiences with my folks. On the front porch over morning coffee I have tried to explain how it works for me. In the past I have referred to a network has being made up of evangelists, parish priests, and parishioners. The evangelist inspires, excites, and draws people to the congregation. The parish priests supports the membership on an ongoing basis teaching skills and offering support for the members to carry out their individual work.

The network has also been described as the greater mind, the collective brain. In the nervous system a single neuron does not do much. But connected they are a powerful force. Not all neurons have the same role or purpose if they did the system would not work. Some are sensory neurons exciting and inspiring others to action. Other neurons or members of the network share and pass that information along and other neurons carry out the actions. I see similar roles within my learning network. All the roles are valuable and necessary. Some participants are flexible and can take on different roles at different times. No member is less valuable or un-needed, as we cannot anticipate all that might happen and what information or action is needed.

So to all the members of my learning network thank you for your inspiration, information, and hard work. Its been great learning with you and looking forward to what comes next.

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