Where are we going?
“I put together a PowerPoint presentation with some (hopefully) thought-provoking ideas. I was hoping by telling some of these “stories” to our faculty, I could get them thinking about – and discussing with each other – the world our students are entering. To get them to really think about what our students are going to need to be successful in the 21st century, and then how that might impact what they do in their classrooms.”
Karen Janowski directed me to the Did You Know? PowerPoint presentation. Thanks! It was very thought provoking. In this day and age of testing many teachers and schools are focused on raising test scores. We are very focused on detailed content and not so much on skills and process. Do we know where we are going? Are we truly preparing our students for the highly fluid, collaborative, borderless world of work? I highly recomended viewing the powerpoint, and starting a few workroom discussions.
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