The Flat World
Back in 2005, it seems so long ago. I was a MS science teacher, and I read The World is Flat by Thomas L Friedman. I had also just spent 10 years of my life working and living overseas as a global nomad and became the parent of third culture kids. I read the book with a different perspective then I would today. Now I have left the classroom to become a technology integration specialist, I can hear David Warlick during his presentation at MassCUE saying ‘stop integrating technology, start teaching literacy. I must say I agree with his sediments. Trying to describe to some one what I really do can be quite complicated but that is another story. In my new role I work daily with the tools that are making the world flat. So now I will read the book again, the new updated and expanded edition that came out in August. I am sure I will come away with a different perspective.
Though I live in the US, I still participate in the global world of education to some degree. I continue to correspond the teachers working in a variety of places. I can participate in unitedstreaming’s Discovery Educators Network (DEN) in my local New England DEN and the global DEN. A recent post at the Global DEN had me reflecting on my traditions. As I come to the holiday season I see my families traditions as containing bits of the traditions and foods we have acquired as we traveled the world. I listen to the language of those present at the table, and think of those who could not make as they live and work overseas. I think of the places we have all lived, the words, traditions and new attitudes that have been adopted by my family and I realize we are a family that is moving about in the flat world and are the richer for it.
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