Special Education Blogs and Wikis

Special Education Blogs and Wikis

A large portion of the participants in our little blogging experiment are special education teachers, at the elementary level. I am looking for resources I can direct their way, specifically blogs and wikis. The links below are from Special Education Bloggers, please comment and let me know of others. I know there are some great resources out there.

Mechelle DeCraene in an email offered to lend a helping hand to our participants.

Karen Janowski is an assistive technology consultant and a member of MassCUE. Her blog focuses on use technology to support student learning and removing obstacles to success.
The blog Special education teacher in Washington DC recently linked to this blog and after reading it believe it will be a good resource for our workshop participants.
* Just a note on blogging in general and how a network grows. I met Karen at a MassCUE meeting and discovered we had just begun blogging and share a similar interest, we subscribed to each others blogs. Mechelle read my post about the blogging workshop and sent an email. Special Ed. teacher in Washington linked to my blog on an unrelated topic, but it brought me to her site. Linking is very important, it helps create a web of resources, contacts and opportunities to learn.

5 thoughts on “Special Education Blogs and Wikis

  1. Beth,
    Thanks for mentioning my blog!

    The Power of Blogs….There isn’t any other way that we would stay connected as powerfully as we can through sharing our thoughts, knowledge and experience. I learn so much from the connections to others and love sharing these tools with teachers and students.
    I recently added “Cluster Maps” to my blog and am fascinated to see where viewers come from. It does show how the world is flat – what a great educational tool for our kids!
    Have a great New Year!

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