iBooks, iPads and iTunes U

iBooks, iPads and iTunes U

Apple recently announced changes to a few apps and a new program that will likely play a big role in education, particularly if your institution is using iPads.  iBooks was upgraded to allow the program to support epub 3, books that are rich in media and interactivity.  Apple also entered into an agreement with textbook publishers to create true media rich texts. The books are currently priced at about $15 much cheaper then a paper textbook but not reusable or resalable. Apple introduced the program iBooksAuthor that allows…

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Internet Blackout

Internet Blackout

Many of you will no doubt come across websites today that are blacked out. Many members of the internet are on strike to bring awareness to two impending bills before the US Congress and the Senate.  They are SOPA (stop online Piracy act) and PIPA (Protect IP act).  Though most support the enforcement of copyright laws  as these names imply these bills if they become law are not quite what the name implies, they are much more complex.  Wikipedia has…

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You Have a New iPad What Next?

You Have a New iPad What Next?

The iPad was a very popular gift this year.  One of the more frequent questions I get now is “I just got an iPad, what apps should I get?” I want to say there are thousands of free apps so search, install, try and delete. Just go play and have fun.  I think people have trouble understanding that apps on the iPad are different then an application on a computer.  There are not as many applications for computers there were…

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I have been trying to use my iPad for all my usual computer use.  This is forcing me to get use the iPad keyboard and to try a variety of apps.  I finally found an app that I can use for my blogging.  Blogsy is a fairly complete blogging tool that allows me to post to my personal blog, Beth’s Thoughts, using the WordPress platform and my blog for work hosted on blogger.  One tool, two blogs that is pretty cool for me….

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Arrogant Ignorance

Arrogant Ignorance

We have all come across people who make decisions based on the belief they have a good understanding of the situation but who really do not have a clue. They just plow right on ahead.  Some people, I think, are just honest souls who really believe they have a good understanding of the situation and are doing their best to do the right thing.  You cannot know or foresee everything and mistakes do happen.  Others I believe posses an ego…

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Universal Design in Learning

Universal Design in Learning

I have found myself once again immersing myself in Universal Design for Learning both for a class I am teaching and to help justify to teachers why they may need to vary the tools and media they teach with.  As educators we need to go back to the fundamentals of what, why and how we teach.  I strongly suggest you take some time to explore these 2 related sites as they have much information and many examples to help inform your teaching. CAST and National Center on Universal Design in Learning

Google Data Explorer

Google Data Explorer

Google has opened up its Public Data Explorer which allows the user to generate visual displays of public data. It is great tool for merging of data analysis, visual literacy and infographics.  Google links to public data sets that you can use but you can also create your own data sets – though you need some skill and understanding of  Data Publishing Language. Using the data bases Google already links to I had fun playing with the different way the data can be shown.  This…

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